"One Simple Breath is now on my bedside table forever. Written with love and personal truth by someone who has been there, this easy-to-read and understand guide is a perfect antidote to caregiver stress and burnout." Susanne White, Founder Caregiver Warrior
In her latest book, Patty collamer uses her experience as a caregiver to explore the virtues of loving kindness, compassion, joy and even-mindedness that exist in all of us. She teaches the simple steps of putting words to each breath in and each breath out to invite peace into our hearts and minds.
"This memoir made me laugh and cry. It explores many of the thoughts and feelings daughters have about the complicated relationship with their mother. It follows the physical decline of her ultimate mentor and coach. I feel all daughters can relate to Patty's struggles navigating this relationship... " M. Stillman, Owner Life in Balance Yoga
In this heart-breaking yet spirit-mending caregiving memoir, Patty Collamer contrasts the nostalgia of 1960s preteen life with an unstable future after her mother suffers a stroke. When she becomes caregiver, advocate, and friend, the process of growing up begins.

Grammy's Eyes was written after discovering that few children's stories include the mention of stroke. Patty Collamer wrote this story especially to offer support for children adapting to some of the changes stroke can bring and reassurance that even when a person changes in the way they look, and sound, and move, love is forever.